For this project, I designed a magazine that helped focus on the concept of type and layout. By doing so, I was able to explore new ways of manipulating each spread in order to provide clarity and legibility. The final spreads work cohesively due to the fact that there is a major theme and sequence that is being provided throughout. The magazine intends to provide the target audience with content that centers around fashion, art, music, and film. 

For this issue, I decided to cover, The Amazing Frida Kahlo, Mexican feminist artist, who is highly regarded in the art world. The title, mastery, derives from the act of an artist working towards proficiency in their craft. There is always room for growth and evolution for any said artist– which becomes part of the experience of mastering your practice. With further publications, this magazine strives to continue its engagement in educating and raising awareness in regards to artists belonging to marginalized groups.

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